Recently I read a couple of articles on loneliness. I currently do not feel lonely but I have definitely felt the icy cool breath of loneliness. I have suffered through depression and the constant feeling of wanting to be alone, all of the time. I know that loneliness and depression are diseases that effect more people than we realize. This led me into doing more reading into the subject and having the wanting feeling of spreading light on loneliness.
The first article I read was about embracing loneliness.
Loneliness is Here to Stay - Embrace It.
By Ruth Lera
"... accepting loneliness as a very normal part of the human journey can help us along. By accepting loneliness as a normal condition, we free ourselves up to have more self-compassion, humor, and love for our innate way of being in the world."
There is no cure for loneliness so just embrace it as a part of life.
After reading this article I got to thinking on how I feel about loneliness. I enjoy spending time with myself. Honestly it is a relief. It's stress free. I'm not trying to impress or please anyone else. I can completely be myself. In a world full of judgement my alone time with myself is just for me. I need to start embracing and cherishing this time for me more. Next time you are feeling lonely think of reasons why you could be feeling the way you are. Maybe you just need some you time. I know I definitely feel this way sometimes. I believe it is okay to feel lonely. When you realize that most people in the world feel lonely, it's easier to accept feeling this way. Being lonely does not make us inadequate. It doesn't make us a bad friend, a bad spouse, or even a bad child. But when we first learn to love ourselves we are one step closer to feeling less lonely. When we can accept that loneliness has inevitable become a part of most people's lives and that someone we are close to maybe feeling the same way we can begin to pull ourselves out of loneliness' icy grip and begin to see the light again. We are the only person that can pull ourselves out of loneliness. But sometimes it doesn't hurt to find help or find comfort in someone we love.
The second article:
The Other Side of Loneliness.
By Anokina Shahbaz
In this article Anokina talks about how loneliness follows wherever we go, that in this case it must be lonely too. She also talks about how loneliness must be carrying an underlying message for us, telling us to pay attention to what is happening around us. It is a sign of what is really hurting and want needs tending to. For me this got me asking questions about what could be happening in my life that I am not happy with or somethings that needs changing. Is there something that I am not happy about with myself? Could it be a relationship issue? Is there something in my life that is causing me to feel this way? Loneliness forces us to answer these underlying questions that we may just day-to-day be pushing under the rug, hiding from whatever it is that we are afraid to face. Do not hide from it. Embrace it. Because as Anokina states "What's on the other side of loneliness? Everything." There is a light at the end of the tunnel. And you can begin a journey to find that light, by first beginning to figure out what your loneliness is ultimately trying to tell you.
If you are feeling lonely or even if you aren't but you may know someone who is or you just want to learn more on the subject I can't suggest reading these articles enough. They definitely put some perspective into my life and I hope they do the same for you.
Namaste my friends.
*Shine like Glitter*
I have been working on this post for a couple of weeks now.
Figuring the right words to say to all of you.
And these still may not even be the right words.
But this is how I feel on the subject.
I hope that it brings even the slightest bit of light into your life.
Let's talk.
Because sometimes that's all we really need.
Feel free to leave comments or send me an email.
I hope everyone of you had a wonderful Christmas or Holiday.
Whatever you may celebrate I hope you found peace and love this season.
Namaste my friends.
*Shine like Glitter*
I have been working on this post for a couple of weeks now.
Figuring the right words to say to all of you.
And these still may not even be the right words.
But this is how I feel on the subject.
I hope that it brings even the slightest bit of light into your life.
Let's talk.
Because sometimes that's all we really need.
Feel free to leave comments or send me an email.
I hope everyone of you had a wonderful Christmas or Holiday.
Whatever you may celebrate I hope you found peace and love this season.