Peace is a valuable trait to possess.
"Peace is not something you wish for, it is something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away."
Today I taught a lesson on peace today, to the kids at school at our weekly Yoga with Miss Kelly class. They are still young so they don't fully grasp the concept yet. I found a great book, The Peace Book by Todd Parr. This book was made to explain peace to children. I used this book to form my lesson.
I made a poster board on one side I wrote Peace Is in big letters and then drew pictures of a family, a group of friends, hearts, a sun beam (representing God), an ocean, and a house. I explained to the kids why these things represented peace. We are a faith based school so I made sure to incorporate how he is important in maintaining peace. God is an important part of our curriculum and an important part to their young lives. We are learning how it is to be different but come from the same God. Peace is loving everyone even those who are different from us. Peace is being kind. Peace is knowing God. On the other side of the poster I asked the question 'what does peace mean to you?' The kids came up with some really great answers. I then did a short routine with movement with the kiddos with a group activity at the end. I had them repeat mantras as they did poses. I believe it is beneficial to their young minds at a young age that they believe in themselves, they they grow up not doubting themselves, to feel like they can accomplish anything, to encourage them that anything is possible.
"Peace is being different, feeling good about yourself, and helping others. The world is a better place because of you." Love Todd
Children are our future what we teach them is important, how we teach them how to live is important to form a better future for the world we live in.