
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Vintage Ohio

I arrived at Theresa's Saturday afternoon.
We immediately caught up on life.
 Once we got ourselves ready, we headed out.
We had a long drive there. We started out with partly cloudy skies and ended up in gray skies. T and I both thought we were going to have rain.

We eventually parked and hiked to the site of the event, where we received our glasses and tasting cards.

There were 16 different wine proprietors. Each time you visited a proprietor they marked your card. You were able to go to each place up to 5 times.

If you planned on drinking 5 tastes at each place and brought along a DD, there were places for the DD to get free non-alcoholics drinks; very smart idea.  However, T and I did not plan on drinking that much wine. We had at least one drink from each place, there were a few places that we tried multiples.

We did not come prepared enough. The clouds in the sky started to dissipate and we were left we sun patches. The sun was hot. T and I were sweating like pigs. Did you know that pigs don't actually sweat?! I did not drink enough water. We when got there we saw wine glass holders for sale. They were these contraptions, that held your wine glass, at the end of a necklace. For next year these are on our list of things to either make or purchase for next year. 

The sun hats came out. Along with the dresses and skirts. I absolutely love a chance to wear a dress and this was the perfect excuse. 

Half way through tasting we stopped to get sustenance, which included a crab cake sandwich and my most recent wine sample. We each also got a bottle of water. It had two purposes 1. to drink and 2. to rinse out our cups after each sample.

We got back to trying wines. I tried a Watermelon Jalapeno wine, a Chocolate Strawberry wine, a lot of different peach wines, and Rieslings.

After we tried at least one wine from each place. We took a look around the many vendors set around the site; everything from dip samples to candles to jewelry. I saw a small booth with what looked like used clothing and I have thing for used clothing. What we found was a cool ass chick who not only made clothes but also did Henna. She had a book with different designs. T and I looked through the book and picked out the design we wanted. A tree of life for her and a crescent moon with a hibiscus for me.

Ohio Apple was the last wine we tried. It smelled just like a sour apple jolly rancher. It was too tart for me but it wasn't terrible. 

I didn't take many pictures because it all comes back to not being well prepared. My hands were always full and it was hard to take pictures. I promise next year will be better.


*Shine like Glitter*
I enjoy days when I get to spend it wandering around with my best friend.
And throw in wine.
It just equals a wonderful day.

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