
Monday, September 14, 2015

Purple Potion

No it is not some crazy hippie thing.
It's a juice I whipped up in my Ninja.
Well maybe it is some crazy hippie thing.
But just go with it.

Purple Potion 

Is made with:
roasted beets
frozen blueberries
carrot juice.

Now ladies I am addressing this post to you.
*This may get a little graphic so turn back now if you get queasy.

My yoga instructor told me beets are good for you. They are especially good for you when you are on your period. They contain a lot of iron, which your body needs to be healthy. During your period you are losing a lot of iron through blood loss.  Beets will help replace some of the iron loss you are experiencing.

This recipe calls for roasted beets but I used pickled beets. Let me just tell you right now that may not be the best decision. Ever since my yoga instructor told me about beets and their iron I have been trying to eat more beets. This is when I found that I love pickled beets. I went to World Market once and got ginger honey pickled beets. OMG. I normally put them on salads but have started to make pickled beet salads, one with fennel and one with spinach. But for this recipe I would recommend using roasted beets. My drink turned out pretty bitter and pretty tart. I only ended up drinking half of the drink and I am going to drink the other half tomorrow morning.

So ladies next time you are on your period grab some beets!


*Shine like Glitter*
If you've never eaten a beet before.
Let me warn you now.
Before you go out and buy a whole bunch because you are currently on your period and want to try out this recipe.
Which reminds me if you want those other two recipes I mentioned let me know and I'll post them.
Beets taste like dirt.
This is no joke.
This isn't an exaggeration.
Beets taste like dirt.
Now don't let that get you down or defer you from trying them.
Like I said, I love them.

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