
Tuesday, August 30, 2016


What I have come to realize about the word peace is that it is not an easy word to simply define. It can mean many different things to different people…

Merriam – Webster’s definition of peace is:

1.      a state of tranquility or quiet: as a: freedom from civil disturbance b: a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom <a breach of the peace>
2.      freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions
3.      harmony in personal relations
4.      a state at which there is no war or fighting
5.      as an interjection: to ask for silence or calm or as a greeting or farewell

To my kids at school peace was a new word for them. Trying to explain it to them without being too deep proved to be difficult and they all just stared back at me with confused looks on their faces. I used words such as happy, calm, and joy to further explain the meaning of peace to them. I still don't think they got it. This later then sent me on a journey through articles relating to peace: peace within ourselves and how we view peace in the world and in our relationships. I found a few articles on pertaining to peace in a couple of different forms.

Meditation is the key to our inner peace. When more people experience inner peace we have happier more peaceful people. And in this day and age when we are experiencing the most hate, the most crimes, the most killings, etc we could all use a little more peace.

Finding inner peace, peace within ourselves begins with the right state of mind. If we are lazy and unwilling to put forth the effort we will struggle immensely with the will to practice. So first we must be in the right state of mind. We must have a clear and unbothered mind. A still mind. If you are worried about the day’s items you need to get done meditation will be a struggle for you.  Next we must have a comfortable place where you can enjoy your practice, a quiet corner in your home if you may. I have a meditation cushion that I use, it’s green paisley and perfect. I found mine on Etsy at a shop called Still Sitting. Having a mantra ready to use as you breathe will be beneficial to the overall practice. I often use you are strong, So Hum and sometimes you are beautiful. Lately I ask for peace sometimes it’s selfish, sometimes it’s worldwide. I am still in my beginner phase of meditation. It’s been a struggle but I am getting there. As I've learned inner peace comes from having confidence in yourself, believing in yourself, knowing that even when times are tough you can look inside yourself and know that you will get through this turmoil too.

We all cope in different ways some of us see the world with its endless opportunities, we find delight in activities we love and then there are those that view the world with its never ending utter turmoil and chaos and choose to be swallowed by it and have a negative outlook on life. We are all just humans with the same goals to make it through another day. To be able to see the sun come up in the morning, to be thankful that we didn’t stop breathing during the night, to go back to living our lives, whether it be full of glamour or sheer mediocrity we are all just trying to make it in this crazy world. We are all just trying to survive. Some of us are more successful than others but we all have the same goal to look towards.

So why can’t we help each other out, lend a hand, share a smile with a stranger, hug a friend who is in need of a good hug (we could all use one from time to time), spread a little more love. When in meditation send some good intentions out into the universe. Think of someone who could use some peace in their life. Peace is a valuable thing, something that we do not see often these days. We need more people in life who are willing to spread peace. As I mentioned earlier we need to start out with meditation as children. Calmer children = calmer world.

International Peace Day is coming up on September 21
This years theme, 2016: “The sustainable development goals = building blocks for peace.”
There are 17 sustainable goals.
           The countries are to begin efforts to achieve these goals over the next 15 years
                        End poverty, protect the planet, ensure prosperity for everyone

I read my kids in class a book on peace. In the book they told of different ways to say peace around the world. I have made a list of a few below. In the book is also how I found out about International Peace Day. I went onto their website here and did some research on the day. Some people pray, some people hold events, people come together in harmony.

Different ways to say peace
India = shanti (Shahn-tee)
Japan = neiwa (hey-wah)
Mexico = paz (pahs)
Iran = sohl (sohl)
Russia = mir (meer)
France = paix (pay)
Germany = Frieden (free-den)
Israel = shalom (shah-LOHM)

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Wherever you are from remember on September 21 to go about your day with peace in your hearts. Leave the hate at home. And little by little, day by day we can bring forth peace in the world.

Image result for peace

Namaste my friends.


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