
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Being Thankful

On a day that we are to be thankful; I am thankful every day for the wonderful people in my life; those who have touched my heart and have left their finger prints on my soul, those who have come and gone and those who are still a part of my life. I am thankful that I am healthy, that I have a roof over my head, that I have food to eat and that I am alive.

These days our Thanksgivings consist of just the four of us... my mom, my dad, my brother and myself. These three people have been with me through my entire life and I am very lucky to have them. I would not have it any other way. Thanksgiving is of course a time to sit down to remember what we are most thankful for in life, but the truth is I am thankful every day for my family. It makes me happy when we all put aside our busy lives to sit down together and enjoy a delicious dinner.

And on that note it was a delicious dinner...

First you start out with a big ass Butterball turkey, this year we decided to switch it up a bit...

Next you toss fresh herbs, veggies, and a little bit of flower into a roasting bag.

Then take that big ass bird and put it into a roasting pan so it will then look like the picture above *wink*

When it is all said and done the bird looks like this beautiful golden thing before you now!!

A few of the casseroles: corn, sweet potato, and green bean (my favorite). Which casserole or dish is your favorite?

Close up of that beautiful plated *grin*

The whole spread before we dug in...

Three delicious pies: dutch apple, pumpkin, and German chocolate.

My beautiful family pictured in the background *wink*

My brother and I's photo from this year, just look at those crazy kids...

I couldn't leave this cutie out... all tucked in her blanket on the couch with her festive scarf. Say Hello to Shelby... the other cutie will be posted in the next post because I am about to snap a picture of him all tuckered out from this long day *wink*

*Real Talk*
Trying out a new name for this section... let me know what you think.
The Christmas decorations went up soon after the table was cleared and before the food was even put away... but what can I say Christmas runs in my veins *hehe*
There will be a Christmas decor blog within the next couple of days... this post will show the decor at my parents house and then once I decorate my apartment that will be posted.
Also keep your eyes pealed for a couple of Christmas project posts that I have planned.

Now since it is still officially Thanksgiving I want to say that I am thankful for the people who read my blog (although I do not think there are many of you) but no matter the number I am thankful.
It was a long day but it is nice being home with my family.

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