
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Christmas Decor: Part 1

First off I promised you guys a picture of the other cute pup who was sleeping when I last left you so here he is...

Isn't he just sooo cute!! I'll give you a minute to get your awwwing out *wink*

Everyone else had gone to bed that night, I was up working on my last blog post on the couch, and Mr. Jasper here usually follows my parents up to bed but this night he said nope I want to curl up into a ball on this blanket on this chair right here and this is where I'm going to sleep.

Now onto the reason for this post: Christmas decorations. Every year I set up a village on the dinning room table at my parents. I love this village. I imagine lives for all of the people; running around in the snow, having snowball fights, sledding, picking out their Christmas trees, just over all enjoying the holiday season all inside of this little village I have set up for them.

 I took day and night photos so you get a sense of the effects the decorations give at night *grin*


*Real Talk*
Sorry for the blurry pictures, I didn't realize they were blurry until I had gotten home *sigh*
Christmas is my favorite holiday and I love decorating for it, so this is always a big deal for me. This year my brother and his friend put up the ornaments on the tree while I set up my village. It's a nice time for a our family to share in this. 
It's always exhausting putting up the decorations but then I get to enjoy them for an entire month that I forget about how tiring it was to put them up.
Next I'll be sharing a project I worked on and my Christmas decor at my place. *wink*

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