Love is patient… love is kind… love is Old Fashioned
I recently saw this movie in theaters with my mom. I love all things
“old fashioned”; movies, clothes, furniture, music, love and even my cocktails. So when my mom mentioned this movie of
course we had to go see it. This is a love story, the kind of love that God
intended for us to have set in contemporary America. It was a wonderful movie,
filmed in Ohio in a little antique shop with the cutest apartment above it. The
kind of apartment I would love to live in. Make sure you bring tissues with you because I guarantee if you are a sap like me you will be blubbering through this entire movie. This movie shows the audience what a true God-honoring relationship should be like; where chivalry isn't dead.
Here is the movie trailer for Old Fashioned. I definitely encourage you to see this movie.
My Thoughts on Relationships
Before I get into this I want to make a disclaimer that you do not have to agree with what I am saying these are just my thoughts. If you do not wish to read them then I suggest you close out of this page now. If you'd like to read what I have to say then by all means continue reading.
In this day and age it seems like all signs of chivalry are dead. There are the still a few people out there who do chivalrous deeds but most people don't. I understand that women want be treated as equals and I definitely find myself telling guys that I can do something instead of allowing them to help. However there is a time and a place for women to be created as equals and a time and a place to allow men to court us. Let them carry that heavy box for you. I was watching an episode of Mad Men one night, as I watched it came to a scene in a restaurant where the men and women were seated around the table. The men would be talking business and the women would be gossiping. The thing that struck me was that when the ladies left or came back to the table the men, mostly Donald Draper would stand until the ladies were seated and then he would sit back down. I found myself tweeting about this incident asking what happened to the good ol' days when a gentleman, even the grimy ones (referring to Donald Draper), stood up when a woman left or arrived at table? Now a days we are lucky if we can find a guy who will hold the door open for us.
Love should be old fashioned. We should take time to get to know the person we are committing our lives to, the good and the bad. In the movie Old Fashioned Clay is a reformed frat boy now with a devout belief in God and with outdated theories on love. Amber is a free-spirited young woman. These two come together through getting to know one another... their hopes, dreams, fears, beliefs, etc. Clay has a muddy past that Amber's friends try to use against him to make her see that he may not be all as he seems. But she doesn't care, she wants to take him for his good and his bad (which is in his past). Today I think one of the reason there is a high chance of divorce is because we do not take the time to get to know the other person. It is rushed. Love should not be rushed.
In Old Fashioned, Clay asks, what I think to be an important question: "When did treating women with respect become the joke?" Agreed. Ladies if your man is not treating you with respect he does not deserve you. Being treated with respect is not a joke and should never be thought of as a joke. If you are not getting respect, how are you ever going to be taken seriously? I am thankful for all of the relationships I've had. Do I wish I could go back and change some things? You betcha. However every relationship I've had has taught me something. Most of all they have showed me what I do not want in a relationship and between them and this movie they have opened my eyes to what I do want. My relationship with God has also led me to know what I want. One of the most important things a relationship could have is having someone who shares your same beliefs, someone who you can share your faith with (whatever that may be). This is the biggest thing that gets me. Most men do not treat women with respect and it is not all their fault. Women are not asking for that respect. They are allowing men to disrespect them. If a man does not take the time to get to know me or take interest in my life you he is not worth my time.
Cherish the relationships you are in and the relationships you have. If you aren't happy, if you aren't getting the respect you deserve, and/or you the person you are with doesn't share your same beliefs maybe it's time to rethink that relationship. No one should make you feel less than you are. Don't be afraid of being single. It can be good for you. It can help you grown. Find your own way, make your own happiness. Figure out what you want in a relationship. And when it is time the right guy will come along.
Before we can love another, we must first learn to love ourselves.
*Shine like Glitter*
That is it for my ramblings. If you have stuck with me until the end I appreciate it.
If you agree with what I have to say or do not agree I'd love to know about it.
If you have seen this movie I would like to know your thoughts on it.
Let me know in the comments.
I believe love should be old fashioned. It doesn't have to be as drastic as this movie makes it to be, but I still think it should come from an old fashioned background.
This all did not happen over night, as I explained I went through many bad relationships. But I do know now what I want. And I will not settle for less.
*All photos were found using Google
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