This week I will be working on the Crescent Moon Pose.
The true name for this pose is Anjaneyasana.
The true name for this pose is Anjaneyasana.
This is a good lengthening lunge, it is a good warm-up for all other backbends. According to one of the yoga books I own (picture below) in this pose there are two directions of movement of energy. "The movement from the back of the waist down extends out through the back foot and allows the hips to descend. The upward stretch beginning at the waist radiates energy upward." This passage taken right from the book.
I use this book along with the one I previously mentioned on my Dolphin Pose post.
Start in down dog
Place the right foot in between the hands
Arch the back, left knee should then be dropped to the ground, press the hands up towards the sky, tilt head back... be careful on the spine.
In yoga it is important to balance each side of the body, so what you do to one side make sure you do to the other. With this pose do the right first and then the left or vice verse.
This pose takes a lot of balance, for me. I fell over the first time trying to get into the pose for the picture. I know this pose is one that I am going to have to take slow and work at. But failure and struggle is apart of the growing process.
So when I was looking back over the pictures of this pose this morning I realized that I forgot to drop my left knee before my pictures were taken... I have added a photo from the yoga journal website of what the final pose should look like. The picture of my final pose is more Warrior I. I apologize for this mistake *whoops*
Therapeutic Applications
*this taken from I will reference this website often.
On the Yoga Journal website you will find a beginner's tip plus step-by-step steps on how to do the pose... so if you are still new to yoga you can start out the pose this way.
Go out and make something happen!
*Shine like Glitter*
Dolphin pose last week was not easy.
My legs are sore, but I am going to continue to work on it.
However my arms and shoulders feel much more tone.
Dolphin pose will also help in my rock climbing.
Remember comments are always welcome.
I hope you will still continue to follow me on this journey.
I will be on the ride along with you.
Namaste my friends.
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