
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Yoga Pose of the Week: Reclined Pigeon

First off Happy Sunday everyone. It's overcast and wet here. We had a lot of rain late last night. It made for a good sleep, after a long yet fun day down in Amish Country with my momma. How is it where you are?

Now onto our Yoga.

Reclined Pigeon
Supta Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

Again this is another pose that will help with lower back and sciatica. I enjoy this pose because I feel it all through my back and up my gluts

Therapeutic Application

  • Tight hips
  • Sciatica
  • Lower back
  • Knees


  • Stretches the lower back as well as the sciatic nerve.
  • Stretches the IT band


  • Lower back issues
When I get into this pose I lie on my back. On an in breath I bring my knees in. Then I place my right ankle over my left knee. On another in breath I grab my left thigh with my arms and pull upward to my face. I stay here for about 20-30 seconds or depending on how long is needed. Then do the same thing on the other side.


*Shine like Glitter*
I had a program for my work on Friday.
Yesterday my mom and I went to Amish Country.
It was a long past couple of days. After my long week.
I was ready to do some yoga today.
I first got myself a cup of tea and then watched the Sermon online.
Afterwards I did some yoga.
As I write this post I am watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
Happy Sunday Everyone.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Gorge Metro Park

There is this place with rocks, cliffs, trees, walking trails and a water fall. I've walked it's trails but one day I want to explore it's hidden treasures.

Today I did a little of that. I walked into narrow paths and up the rocky hills. I sat off cliffs and wrote in my journal. I've done Yoga on one of the cliffs.

This place brings out the explorer in me.

The Gorge with it's lushous green trees is full of the best stuff, nature, It's got open fields to play in, picnic benches, and shelters to host parties under. There is a dock where families can fish off of. It is a wonderful place.

I told you... doesn't this place just look wonderful?


I walked up this path to make a stop to sit and write in my journal. I wondered up this path and found these trees.

I climbed up onto the rocks and found me a place to sit. I heard some rustling, to my surprise a deer was searching for food on the other side. I didn't get to snap a picture before she walked behind the hill. *sigh*

These next few shots were from before the leaves bloomed. But the waterfall is amazing!

If you fancy hiking, nature, and a good work out... I recommended heading on over to the Gorge. It is Memorial Day weekend pack up the car and the family and head on over, have a picnic or a cook out.


*Shine like Glitter*
I really enjoy hiking.
I am so happy that there is a place close to where I live to hike.
It really does bring out the explorer in me.
There are still many hidden treasures that I want to explore within the Gorge.
It is guaranteed that I'll be back.
Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Yoga Position of the Week: Deep Runners Lunge

Deep Runners Lunch

As you know I was having some troubles with my sciatica and my hips. When I talked with my Yoga teacher another one of her suggestions was Deep Runners Lunge. I've been practicing this pose to help.

Therapeutic Applications
  • Constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Sciatica
  • Stretches the groin
  • Strengthens the legs and arms
I am very grateful that I was able to make such a friend and teacher that I can text any time with questions about yoga and have her answer them for me... and even sometimes asks me more questions to find out more about my situation. Thank you Taylor for being such a wonderful friend and yoga teacher!

Start in down dog position breath in and place the right leg between the hands. Push hips down towards the floor. Either look at the floor or straight ahead. Breath in the good, breath out the bad. Breath into the hips. Hold for at least 30 seconds. Longer if you are feeling a lot of stiffness or pain from the sciatica. 

With this pose for a deeper stretch you will want to push the hips more toward the floor. A block can be used to support you for longer, the block can be wedged between the floor and the back leg.


*Shine like Glitter*
It was a long week.
A stressful week.
But I got through and made it to the weekend.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Rubber Ducks

This Mother's Day I was unable to spend it with my mom since she still lives in Florida. I had planned to go to church and spend a little time with my aunt, but since it was Mother's Day she had plans with her husband to do something *fun* So instead of  driving all the way out to church to drive home and sitting in the pew by myself depressed with all of these moms around me and mine is still in Florida I decided to stay home. I spent it reading a book on the couch. And waited for my roommate to get home.

When she got home we got ready and headed to downtown Akron, with her mom and sister in the car. We were meeting her two brothers outside of the stadium for the Akron Rubber Ducks game. When we arrived at the gate her brother was no where to be found, but not to worry there was a bubble machine shooting out bubbles. And I cannot resist *bubbles* 

The clouds were looking a little questionable, but we wouldn't let them rain on our parade. The sun was still shining and the Rubber Ducks were playing well. The stadium had all kinds of fun activities going on. One of these things being two giant inflatable slides that T and her sister were excited about going down. We waited until about the 3rd inning when the Ducks weren't up to bat to head over to the slides. We walked around all of the different food vendors and a Yuengling vendor *grin*

We made it over to the slides and the rain started to come. At least there was a tent set up that we quickly hid under. The rain lasted about 5 minutes, but we never did get down those slides because they shut them down *sigh* I did get my Yuengling though and T's sister got her dipping dots.

After the rain clouds passed the sun was the only thing in the sky, besides a few sparse clouds scattered here and there. The sun was beating directly down on us. I did not mind, I was made for the sunshine, except it was now hot and muggy and I was sweating,  T and I kept complaining about how much we were sweating and her sister was over there in jeans. How she was not dying, I do not know. Then there was a lady sitting next to me, who barely said anything the entire game and we could not understand how she was not complaining about being hot.

The Rubber Ducks played very well. They won! Overall it was a great day. I loved being out in the sun at America's favorite past time with my friend and her family. We had great seats, behind home plate. I cannot wait to go to another game!

After the game we went for dinner at Cilantro, which is a Thai and Sushi place. Delicious. I will do a proper blog post on this place. Because I definitely want to go back and get some Pad Thai... YUM!


*Shine like Glitter*
Sorry I do not have many pictures from the game.
I forgot my camera.
Outside of the stadium instead of a normal cross walk there were duck foot prints going across the street. It was the cutest thing.
I am very grateful that T and her family allowed me to tag along with them on Mother's Day.
I was missing my mom, but this day helped.
After dinner I went home and Skyped with her for about an hour.
I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day.
I'm sorry that this is a few days late.
The Cavaliers are in the playoffs and I have been watching the games.
They are moving onto the Finals.
Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Yoga Pose of the Week: King Pigeon Pose

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

(aa-KAH pah-DAH rah-JAH-cop-poh-TAHS-anna)
eka = one
pada = foot or leg
raja = king
kapota = pigeon or dove

King Pigeon

Last week I was having troubles with my sciatic nerve. And due to lack of consistent exercise I have noticed that I was getting a bit stiff in my joints. I consulted my yoga teacher and asked her which poses would be good for hip flexors and for the sciatica. She recommended a few, King Pigeon, was one of the them. This is also one of my favorite poses to get into. It stretches my shoulders, back, groin, and chest.


  • Ankle Injury
  • Knee Injury
  • Sacroiliac Injury
  • Tight hips or thighs
  • Opens the shoulders and chest
  • Stimulates the abdominal organs
  • Stretches the abdomen, chest and shoulders, groin, thighs and neck
Therapeutic Applications
  • Urinary disorders
Beginner's Tip

It may be difficult for students, just starting out with this pose, to grasp the back foot. A strap can be looped around the back foot for help. Eventually you will be able to move your hands down the strap to grasp the foot. Also you can use your arms. Slip your foot into the crease of your elbow and grasp the elbow hand with the opposite hand. I will add a picture of what this look likes. Do not fret if you cannot grasp your foot right away, I had trouble with this at first and on some days when I am particularly stiff I still encounter this problem. 

Remember Yoga is a practice. Continue practicing and you will get there. *grin* And remember to have fun, but if you feel any kind of pain stop.

This video shows how to get into pigeon pose with the use of blocks.


*Shine like Glitter*
I am sorry that I have not been consistent in keeping up with my Yoga Pose posts.
It has been hectic around here.
And I am still getting used to my new job and the hours.
I have been working on my meditation during my break at work, which has been good and convenient.
The weather has been beautiful here. I am hoping that with in the next couple of weeks I'll be able to do some exploring and put those on the blog.
So be on the look out