
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Yoga Pose of the Week: King Pigeon Pose

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

(aa-KAH pah-DAH rah-JAH-cop-poh-TAHS-anna)
eka = one
pada = foot or leg
raja = king
kapota = pigeon or dove

King Pigeon

Last week I was having troubles with my sciatic nerve. And due to lack of consistent exercise I have noticed that I was getting a bit stiff in my joints. I consulted my yoga teacher and asked her which poses would be good for hip flexors and for the sciatica. She recommended a few, King Pigeon, was one of the them. This is also one of my favorite poses to get into. It stretches my shoulders, back, groin, and chest.


  • Ankle Injury
  • Knee Injury
  • Sacroiliac Injury
  • Tight hips or thighs
  • Opens the shoulders and chest
  • Stimulates the abdominal organs
  • Stretches the abdomen, chest and shoulders, groin, thighs and neck
Therapeutic Applications
  • Urinary disorders
Beginner's Tip

It may be difficult for students, just starting out with this pose, to grasp the back foot. A strap can be looped around the back foot for help. Eventually you will be able to move your hands down the strap to grasp the foot. Also you can use your arms. Slip your foot into the crease of your elbow and grasp the elbow hand with the opposite hand. I will add a picture of what this look likes. Do not fret if you cannot grasp your foot right away, I had trouble with this at first and on some days when I am particularly stiff I still encounter this problem. 

Remember Yoga is a practice. Continue practicing and you will get there. *grin* And remember to have fun, but if you feel any kind of pain stop.

This video shows how to get into pigeon pose with the use of blocks.


*Shine like Glitter*
I am sorry that I have not been consistent in keeping up with my Yoga Pose posts.
It has been hectic around here.
And I am still getting used to my new job and the hours.
I have been working on my meditation during my break at work, which has been good and convenient.
The weather has been beautiful here. I am hoping that with in the next couple of weeks I'll be able to do some exploring and put those on the blog.
So be on the look out

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