As you know I was having some troubles with my sciatica and my hips. When I talked with my Yoga teacher another one of her suggestions was Deep Runners Lunge. I've been practicing this pose to help.
Therapeutic Applications
- Constipation
- Indigestion
- Sciatica
- Stretches the groin
- Strengthens the legs and arms
I am very grateful that I was able to make such a friend and teacher that I can text any time with questions about yoga and have her answer them for me... and even sometimes asks me more questions to find out more about my situation. Thank you Taylor for being such a wonderful friend and yoga teacher!
Start in down dog position breath in and place the right leg between the hands. Push hips down towards the floor. Either look at the floor or straight ahead. Breath in the good, breath out the bad. Breath into the hips. Hold for at least 30 seconds. Longer if you are feeling a lot of stiffness or pain from the sciatica.
With this pose for a deeper stretch you will want to push the hips more toward the floor. A block can be used to support you for longer, the block can be wedged between the floor and the back leg.
*Shine like Glitter*
It was a long week.
A stressful week.
But I got through and made it to the weekend.
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