
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Gorge Metro Park

There is this place with rocks, cliffs, trees, walking trails and a water fall. I've walked it's trails but one day I want to explore it's hidden treasures.

Today I did a little of that. I walked into narrow paths and up the rocky hills. I sat off cliffs and wrote in my journal. I've done Yoga on one of the cliffs.

This place brings out the explorer in me.

The Gorge with it's lushous green trees is full of the best stuff, nature, It's got open fields to play in, picnic benches, and shelters to host parties under. There is a dock where families can fish off of. It is a wonderful place.

I told you... doesn't this place just look wonderful?


I walked up this path to make a stop to sit and write in my journal. I wondered up this path and found these trees.

I climbed up onto the rocks and found me a place to sit. I heard some rustling, to my surprise a deer was searching for food on the other side. I didn't get to snap a picture before she walked behind the hill. *sigh*

These next few shots were from before the leaves bloomed. But the waterfall is amazing!

If you fancy hiking, nature, and a good work out... I recommended heading on over to the Gorge. It is Memorial Day weekend pack up the car and the family and head on over, have a picnic or a cook out.


*Shine like Glitter*
I really enjoy hiking.
I am so happy that there is a place close to where I live to hike.
It really does bring out the explorer in me.
There are still many hidden treasures that I want to explore within the Gorge.
It is guaranteed that I'll be back.
Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.

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